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Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. || Probationary Officer (04-03-2019) || 2019

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The glorious industrial revolution had taken place in England due to its uniquely inclusive economic institutions which were built by the inclusive political institutions.

11 months ago

Political institutions can play a great role in creating a favorable environment for business breaking away the traditional barriers for the expansion of free market economy. It makes political system liberal and responsive to the need of economy which in turns make business easier.

11 months ago

Inclusive economic institutions represent a group of institutions which are same in nature and objectives and its objective is to develop the economy through the participation of all classes of people. On the other hand, extractive economic institutions give the opposite meaning of inclusive. It means the particular institutions which work based on some specific objectives.

11 months ago

Conflict between absolutism and its opponents may impact upon an enabling environment for industrial growth as political developments utterly depend on some interlinked processes called political consensus.

11 months ago

বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতির সূচকসমূহ ক্রমশঃ শক্তিশালী ও ঊর্ধ্বমূখী হচ্ছে।

= The indexes of Bangladeshi Economy is going up gradually.

11 months ago

রাজনীতি এখন অনেকের জন্য বিত্তবৈভব অর্জনের হাতিয়ার।

= Politics is now are instrument of attaining property for many.

11 months ago

বিদেশে অর্থপাচারের ফলে দেশে বিনিয়োগ বাধাগ্রস্ত হচ্ছে এবং দুর্নীতি উৎসাহিত হচ্ছে।

= Investment is being hampered and corruption is being encouraged due to money laundering abroad.

11 months ago

সুশাসনের অভাব, অদক্ষ ব্যবস্থাপনা এবং খেলাপি ঋণের বৃদ্ধি ব্যাংকিং খাতের জন্য এখন অশনি সংকেত।

= Lack of good governance, inefficient management system, and increase of default loans are now ominous sign for banking sector.

11 months ago

এ নিরাপত্তাহীনতার সংস্কৃতি হতে বাঁচার উপায় কি?

= What is the way to get rid of the culture of the lack of safety?

11 months ago

There is no royal road to learning.

= শিক্ষা অর্জনের কোনো সহজতম পথ নেই ।

11 months ago

The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches.

= যার জ্বালা সে-ই বুঝে ।

11 months ago

You speak too fast for others to understand.

= আপনি এতো দ্রুত কথা বলেন যে অন্যদের বুঝতে কষ্ট/ অসুবিধা হয় ৷

11 months ago

I never got to see him at close quarters.

= আমি তাকে কখনো খুব কাছে থেকে দেখিনি

11 months ago

The anti-socials are still at large.

= সমাজ বিরোধীরা এখনো স্বাধীন

11 months ago